Thursday, March 26, 2009

A Budget???

So for the last few months we have begun envelope budgeting, I know the oldest trick in the book. Along with this we have implemented meal planning, (by we, I of course mean me). With these two things we have nearly cut our grocery/target/costco/entertainment costs in half and without giving up a whole lot. I notice how I used to buy things at the grocery store b/c they were on a great sale not because I needed them. Now I am able to buy just what I need, I actually know what I need and it feels great. So here is to envelope budgeting. We did a very simple version. The monthly bills don't get enveloped because I can't save on them they are coming whether I like it or not. but we have 5 envelopes. 1.Grocery 2.Costco 3.Target 4.Entertainment 5.Hobby. I am so glad that we have found something that works in our family to keep costs minimal and keep me in line (I do like to overspend at Target, and this has helped the most probably at Target...and a little at Costco too) Another benefit I have seen is that I am getting more creative for dinner, because I have to plan 2 weeks of meals at a time, so when you see it on paper spaghetti 3 times a week doesn't seem reasonable. :D...

So long story made short... We are so going to buy something someday :) in the housing market and if envelope budgeting and meal planning get me there sign me up. Does anyone else have any fabulous budgeting ideas. Or fabulous...easy meal ideas???


The Trotter Family said... has a great site that allows you to see exactly how much you are spending and alerts you if you are going over your budget. It is really cool. As for meal planning, I have started doing the same thing. I get sick of the same thing day in and day out, so every once in a while I get a meal from Trader Joe's. In the frozen section, the meals are around $4. We like the Penne Arribiatta, Teriyaki Chicken, Orange Chicken and I just made their Pad Thai (That was with the soups). Super cheap, yummy and easy!

Anonymous said...

Claire B. is doing this awesome budgeting system via a website that helps you know where to put your money monthly. I am a sad budgeter but would love to learn so I like this post.

Beth said...

I love the budget format that Brad Finnigan gave us a few years back. Very simple. I can email it to you if you want. And I think we should all swap easy meal ideas. I have several that are yummy and pretty healthy.

Sarah Heder said...

I like the envelope idea. I'm horrible at budgeting and need more information myself. I think I'll have to have Beth email me the format Brad Finnigan gave her. Hmm . . .

brookeisacrazylady said...

yes, lets swap recipes! i always could do better at budgeting. love this post.

and its seems like forever since i talked to you...lets go to the park!

Brent and Emily said...

I hope you're budgeting for London! :)

We're talking about when would be the best time. It looks like Oct is out because Brent's test is the 29th so he'll be super busy studying. The first week or 2 of Nov could work, though. The 15th or so, we might be heading to the states. It all depends on if Brent passes his test next month. We won't know until Jul but he'll have an idea of how he did after he takes it. When in Nov were you guys thinking?