Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Two firsts in one night

So one night I decided I was going to make a dinner for me...not my kiddos. I love them but fighting with them over dinner every single night gets tiring. I know that dislike soup...I assume this stems from the difficulty they have in eating it not the taste. But, I loooooooovvvveeee soup it is my favorite food and feel a little sad during fall when I see it slipping by without being adequately souped. So with this in mind I invited up my sister and her hubby, sadly he was out of town and my parents and we fed the kids corndogs...they were happy...and sent them to bed. then I made Apple Cider Butternut Squash Soup, my first ever pureed soup. I also made my first ever fruit pie, apple cranberry pie, yummmmmmm. It was fun and I felt accomplished. Now if I could eat like that and lose weight we would be in high cotton!!!

the aftermath of too much food, lol

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