Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Random Fact Wednesday!

This is my favorite movie (that is not a classic, classics top my list). It came out on DVD about the same time that I met Bryan and I was sure it was a sign that I had met the love of my life online just like my favorite gal...Meg Ryan. If you haven't seen it, you totally should. It is fun and cheesy and perfect. So there you have it, I like cheesy movies.

This is another favorite of mine because when I talked to Bryan the first time I was ever on the phone with him (I loved this movie before I met Bry too) He said he looked a little like the guy from the Princess Bride, not knowing I loved that movie and it was the only movie poster I ever had in my bedroom and it was a huge one and it was hanging there that day. It was yet another sign :)


brookeisacrazylady said...

that is great.

Tawny said...

I love all the fun stories of the beginning of you and Brian, you two are so awesome!

Brent and Emily said...

You're so stinkin cute!

P.S. You've Got Mail is one of my favorites too. It never gets old! I can't even tell you how many times I've seen it.