So, I love my neighborhood. I especially love that we have events, and although I can't make it to all of them, it is so fun to have them. It is fun to meet new neighbors and connect with old ones and just be social with the people that live next door. We just went to our summer BBQ this weekend and had so much fun. I am fortunate to have several close friends that live in my hood, even my BFF lives across the street. This year they helped me with the kiddos at the party since my hubby couldn't be there until a couple hours later, it's so nice having a kids benefit immensely from our village. It includes: all the Grandparents, the Davis', the Christensens, the Voelkers, the Plums, and the Lasleys. These families are my village people and without them, All the things that happen around here just wouldn't happen at all. They say it takes a village to raise a child and no doubt my kids have the best village around!!!